Umar Masud

Hi! I am a graduate student at the University of Toronto, majoring in Artificial Intelligence. I am part of the MSc in Applied Computing (MScAC) program. I did my undergrad at JMI University, New Delhi.

My interest is in making machines understand images and videos as we humans do.
I have applied knowledge of Image Processing, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, with hands-on practice in various image-related tasks in Computer Vision. I have exlored works in different areas such as image recognition, domain generalisation, inverse problems, self-supervised learning, etc.
I love to make and own end-to-end projects that solve real-life problems.

Apart from exploring the latest research and technology developments, I can be found consuming content about innovation, ideas, entrepreneurship, start-ups, finance, and alike. A keen interest in the start-up ecosystem.


University of Toronto

Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC)
AI Concentration

Relevant Coursework: Computational Imaging, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Software engineering for machine learning, Visual and mobile computing systems.

September 2023 - Present

Jamia Millia Islamia University

Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication

CGPA: 9.82/10

Relevant Coursework: Fundamentals of Computing, Data Structures and Computer Programming, Computer Networking, Database Management, Engineering Mathematics (I, II, III), Computer Architecture, Digital Signal Processing.

August 2019 - May 2023

Applied Research


Ulm University

Visited the lab at Institute of Neural Information Processing under Prof. Friedhelm Schwenker where I explored the topic of Compressed Image Super-resolution.

With only a 4.19M parameter model, could effectively address jpeg compression and super-resolution simultaneously, achieving up to 27.62 PSNR and 0.771 SSIM.
To overcome additional compression artefacts, devised a lightweight CNN-based model leveraging a pre-trained feature extractor during training for information fusion. During inference, it operates independently saving a lot of computation.

June 2022 - August 2022

Research Intern

Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Associated with VCL Lab, where I am working on Domain Generalisation for Person Re-identification task.

Utilised simple techniques of supervised contrastive learning in Domain Generalisation for Person Re-identification task, getting up to 53.7 mAP and 77.8 Rank-1.
Introduced novel perturbation strategies to realistically model domain variations and preserve target identities. Also contributed person attribute annotations for CUHK-03 and MSMT17 benchmark datasets.

January 2022 - June 2022

Research collaborator

Ecole normale superieure - PSL

Worked with members of Computational Bioimaging and Bioinformatics team headed by Auguste Genovesio for a project on Quality Control of out-of-focus/noised images Phenotypic Screening using Self/Semi Supervised learning.

For phenotypic screening, devised a method for data quality check on 2.1M images reaching beyond 98% success.
Compared transfer learning and self-supervised learning methods to detect abnormal single-cell images, fine-tuning downstream classification with as little as 350 annotated pairs.

December 2021 - March 2022

Summer Research Intern


Worked on the topic of "Automatic Detection of Image Splicing", under Prof. Anupam Agarwal , in Interactive Technologies and Multimedia Research (ITMR) Lab.

Found 40-45% drop in performance of Image Forgery solutions, questioning the reliability and robustness of several over-estimated results.
Implemented 5 papers from scratch and tested them across 13 different datasets in cross-evaluation and out-of-distribution training/testing environments, commenting on their generalizability across datasets.

May 2021 - July 2021

Undergraduate Researcher

Jamia Millia Islamia

Working on various problems in computer vision under Prof. Sarfaraz Masood.

  • Designed a novel, lightweight model with up to 496x reduction in parameter count for facial mask detection. Developed a large synthetic dataset by stitching masks at incorrect positions on faces. The dataset has 985+ downloads on Kaggle.
  • Created a 152x times lighter model for DeepFake Video detection while achieving a significant accuracy of 99.24% at a remarkable rate of 80 fps. Accomplished by using both spatial and temporal information through pre-trained CNN encoders, topped up by LSTMs saving up training data and time.
May 2021 - December 2022


  1. Masud, U., Cohen, E., Bendidi, I., Bollot, G., Genovesio, A. (2022). Comparison of semi-supervised learning methods for High Content Screening quality control. BioImage Computing workshop at ECCV 2022.
  2. Masud, U., Siddiqui, M., Sadiq, Mohd., Masood, S. (2022). SCS-Net: An efficient and practical approach towards Face Mask Detection. Procedia Computer Science Journal. ICMLDE, 2022.
  3. Jambigi, C., Masud, U., Chakraborty, A. (2022). G-PReDICT: Generalizable Person Re-ID using Domain Invariant Contrastive Techniques. ICVGIP, 2022.
  4. Masud, U., Shwenker, F. (2022). Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Pre-trained Model Assistance. COMSYS, 2022.
  5. Masud, U., Sadiq, Mohd., Masood, S., Ahmad, M., and Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif. 2023. LW-DeepFakeNet: A Lightweight Time Distributed CNN-LSTM network for real-time DeepFake Video Detection.Signal, Image and Video Processing.
  6. Masud, U., Agarwal, A. (2021). Analysing Statistical methods for Automatic Detection of Image Forgery. arXiv.


Programming Languages
  • Python,
  • Java,
  • PHP,
  • Javascript.
  • NumPy,
  • Pandas,
  • Matplotlib,
  • Sklearn,
  • OpenCV,
  • Keras,
  • TensorFlow,
  • PyTorch,
  • Flask.
  • MySql,
  • PostgreSQL
  • Communication,
  • Public Speaking,
  • Critical Thinking,
  • Team Leadership,
  • Team Management.


Machine Learning
  • Classical ML
    • Reproduced 5 papers on the topic Image Forgery Detection that uses handcrafted features for classification of pristine and tampered images.
    • Diabetic Retinopathy Detection using Texture Features and Ensemble Learning (paper implementation). Achieved F1-score = 0.97 and accuracy = 97.2%.
    • Fog detection in images using GLCM based features and SVM (paper implementation). Got F1-score = 0.83 and test accuracy = 82.3%
    • Phishing URL detection system based on URL features using SVM (paper implementation). Achieved F1-score = 0.99 and test accuracy = 99.2%
  • OpenCV Projects
    • Air-Piano, an air-based piano enabling the person to play through hand(fingertip) movements.
    • Air-Drum System, an air-based drum beat generator.
    • Background Color Detection, uses 2 techniques to detect a suitable background for the input image.
    • Compress img, a CLI based program to compress images using the KL Transform.
  • Deep Learning
    • Clicking better Images with Under Display Cameras (UDC) in Smartphones. A 7.78M params model with KD gets 30.59 PSNR, and diffusion beats SOTA getting 42.37 PSNR. (Report)
    • Integrating ML functionalities - generating tags and descriptions for uploaded images, in an existing Instagram clone web-app in Flask. (Report)
    • Image Inpainting using a U-Net model with a fused ConvMixer encoder. The feature fusion method showed 1.34% improvement in terms of dice coefficient (Report)
    • Different Descriptors for Squeeze and Excitation Attention Block - experimented with standard deviation, trace, largest singular value, and DC coefficient of DCT instead of usual GlobalAvgPool2d. The SVD approach gives a 0.78% improvement but with an 80% increase in training time. (Report)
    • Background Remover tool for portrait images of humans, made using a U-Net model trained for semantic segmentation of the image. The model achieved 0.981 IOU-score on test data. Also deployed on a web-app.
    • Implemented the paper - Medical image denoising using Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders(CAE). Achieved a loss = 0.106 or Structural Similarity Index(SSIM) = 0.894 .
    • Image similarity measure through Siamese network on fashion apparels. Got an evaluation accuracy of 94.2%
    • Plant Pathology Challenge, a FGVC8 workshop challenge at CVPR-2021 for multi-label classification of plant leaf diseases. Got 87.34 accuracy with a pre-trained model as feature extractor.
    • Human Emotion Detection, Pneumonia Prediction models.

Web Development
  • Banking System
    • The project contains a simple banking system that enables to transact between the customers. It uses HTML, CSS, bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL, with the local server provided by the XAMPP.
  • Website Template for InnerveSOC
    • As a part of the InnerveSOC competition, designed a complete website template for Innerve Tech-Fest 2020, IGDTUW. I was the adjudged winner.

Awards & Honors

  • Research Week with Google 2023: Amongst 250 people accepted for participation by Google Research India.
  • Online Asian Machine Learning School (OAMLS): Accepted with full scholarship as a part of ACML 2022.
  • Robotics & AI Summer School 2022: Accepted to this summer school hosted by IRI, CSIC-UPC.
  • DAAD-WISE Scholarship 2022: Financial aid for Summer Research Internship in Germany.
  • Workshop on AI for Computational Social Systems(ACSS) 2021: - 3rd place in Student Paper Competition.
  • 5th Summer School of AI 2021 - IIIT Hyderabad - One amongst 500 participants worldwide.
  • Winner-Innerve Summer of Code Challenge 2020 - Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women.
  • INSPIRE Science Award For Top 1% - Scholarship for Higher Studies by Govt. of India.
  • Mr. Harbinder Singth Dugal Rolling Trophy - Awarded for Proficiency in Science ISC-XII
  • Mr. G W Mayer’s Merit Scholarship - Awarded for excellence in Mathematics and Science
  • Shanker Sumeda Rolling Trophy - Awarded for Excellence in Academics.


  • Junior ML Engineer

    Omdena Global

    Collaborating in a team of 50+ ML engineers to develop a production-ready deep vision system that uses geospatial data to provide accurate rooftop solar PV analysis, inlcuding factors such as total roof-area, roof obstacles, shadows/solar potatential, rooftop material, etc. This project is in association with Rebase Energy.

    September 2021 - November 2021
  • ML/AI Dev

    Google Developer Student Club - JMI.

    One of the core team members, responsible for all the activities being carried out for the dissemination of knowledge about ML/AI to students.

    August 2021 - August 2022
  • Organising Member


    Supported the main team, responsible for organizing the NewInML workshop's online events.

    June 2022 - July 2022
  • Youth Ambassador

    HundrED Global Organization

    HundrED Youth Ambassadors is an active community of students from around the world who are passionate about improving education and want to work with other like-minded young changemakers.

    January 2021 - December 2021